Unbridled Equine Coaching
Hi There, I’m Jen. I’m an Unbridled Equine Coach.
One of my first loves was a horse named Cinnamon and it was love at first sight. That encounter changed me. I was forever hooked on my kindred spirits, horses. Every birthday candle I have ever blown out has been devoted to my wish for my own horse.
My first horse was given to me by another of my first loves, my father, Mike. My Dad owned his own cattle buying business. His dedication to animal husbandry and the work ethic he applied to owning and running his own business were traits to which I aspired.
I loved the white horse he brought home, Babe. I rode her bareback through the neighborhoods of my small northeastern Iowa hometown. I rode her to school for show and tell, and in the 4th of July parade.
I graduated from high school in 1989 and while my love of horses never waned, life took twists and turns, as life will do. I graduated in 1994 from the University of Northern Iowa, my mom's Alma mater. While her teaching and library career also inspired me, my career path would go in a different direction. I became passionate about health-physical, spiritual, and emotional. While I raised my three children in Iowa City, I found positions that let me use my passions while helping others. From working at the University of Iowa Hospitals, to being the fitness director of Core Gym for 8 years, to being a personal health coach, I have always been called to help guide others on their health journeys.
While I have learned from each position I held and garnered great satisfaction from helping others, I always also knew there was SOMETHING missing. Simultaneously, I partook in my passion and love for horses whenever the opportunity arose..
In 2016, 9 months after being diagnosed with lung cancer, my father died. Shortly after, my marriage ended. I was floundering and lost. I knew I had to undertake the journey of grief and healing, but how?
It was at Unbridled Retreats that it clicked. Connecting intimately with horses again started my healing process. Being in their quiet, soulful presence allowed me to sit with my grief and allow myself grace. I started to become whole again.
I continued going on retreats. My journey is far from over. I knew that even as I finally acquired my own horse, Reba, and am now an Unbridled Equine Coach.
It was when I came across this quote by Maya Angelou that I knew the next direction in my path: "As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else."
I can't say that healing is ever complete, or that it isn't a difficult, laborious journey. We all have traumas to contend with. What I have learned and what I do know, is that we can embark on this path together and joy is ours to find and live.